The digital textbook opened a very hopeful future for the world of teaching. However, the proposals do not just materialize, each publisher has a different platform that offers its model to schools and teachers. The traditional textbook is digitalized, multimedia content is added, and some resources for digital whiteboards but in essence it remains attached to the same textbook model that we have known throughout history.
The digital textbook does not mean moving from paper to a format that students can use on a tablet or laptop. This is another battle, what device is best to work in the classroom. Nor can it mean the step of paying for a printed book to pay for a one-year license. Many call for a much more open model that allows teachers to truly offer education adapted to the pace of learning of each student.
The possibilities of the digital textbook at Joygeeks
The digital textbook can be a wonderful tool. But in many cases what is being contributed in the same textbook that we have on paper, but in a digital format.
The digital book at Joygeeks is halfway between what the traditional textbook is and what will be in the future. Perhaps the publishers are making a great effort to create this digital environment, which works properly, and digitize all the contents of the textbook on paper. Today it is understood as a complement, not something with which we will work exclusively without the paper book, whose end will come sooner or later.
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